Gynecology, DGO

women faces many problems in their life.... First is puberty or periods or menses... starts at age twelve and ends at age 45-51years .called menopause .

period is the condition where there is no medicine.... doctor and god also does not know when it comes, at what age it comes, at what age it stops...

. estimation of periods.... starts at age 12-17---puberty ,menses ends at age 45-51---menopause... monthly process of periods... periods days gap 21days min cycle... 43 days Max cycle... 28-32 days normal cycle flow of periods or date is 3-7 days and is of monthly process..

. Even Doctor also cannot knows at what age exactly it comes... it varies from body of different women or girls... the physical body changes, moody face, reluctant behaviour ,angry faces are observed during puberty.... menses... periods..

. Even USA, UK and other advanced country doctors cannot say at what age puberty comes... when women is pregnant the period stops during nine months .............

rectum, vagina hymen is similar ..

. Egg release from ovaries of reproductive organs of women after period at 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 days where the intercourse should be done and orgasm takes place and pregnancy will be confirmed...
Egg released will be active for 12-24 hours in Fallopian tube of women or cervix.. Where intercourse techniques should be followed or else pregnant to be difficult to calculate according to women menses or periods days 
As two days (12-24) hours we can't identify when egg will be active....... 

1-7days from Day 1-FMP-least cases to be pregnant.. 2 percent 
8-9 some changes to be pregnant 5percent
Days 9-13 fertile to be pregnant -58percent
Days 14-28 to be pregnant -5 percent of chances... 

Folio acid is formed in the stomach and is found in early morning urinal called HCG test.... Minimum gap for urinal early mornings is four hours of Storage urinal in the body eligible to test HCG where in the well of HCG kit urinal two drops are putted and results in two pink lines one is kit working status, second is pregnancy confirmed test.... *****T-confirm,********** C-working status of kit... *****

Blood test, urinal test for gravindex test... 
Conception, gravid, pregnant, carrying, foetus, pregnancy confirmed, all are same............... 

 God also does not know how the pregnancy will be confirmed .

 Human beings rectum and vagina openings are similar... scanning machines can expect the last period date... ****////////pregnant women*******.///////
***.. infection in blood***
 ANC1-3st month 
ANC2-4th month 
ANC3-6th month 
 ANC4-9th month -give birth to Child......


Also Blogger Ranadheer Kumar Palakurthi