Women reproductive organs and functional tracks

 Vulva...female sex organ

Vagina-sex organ other name of vulva

Fallopian tubules-tube of reproduction of egg... 

Ovary ..///****egg release from here****///


Cervix-the tube from vulva or vagina to the ovary... 

Majorta-outer layer -thick layers outer folding.. Wheat model.... 

Minorta-inner folding -rose model...

**Period or puberty or menses or date ***

month in Telugu.. 

Maaddam in kannada...

Menses in English... 

///////////////**********Released egg actively in cervix for 24-48 hours... ***********////////////..

Sperm of male active for five days in cervix after intercourse or orgasm of male and female on 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 days of FMP of First day menses counting days... 

Following two cases of FMP, LMP results to birth to Child.... And try maximum orgasm as possible for better results.... 

(1)Maximum 12,13,14,15,16 days -of FMP---orgasm of male and female results to birth of Child.... 

(2)Maximum 7,8,9,10,11 Of LMP of orgasms of male and female results in birth if Child... 

Pregnancy confirm if intercourse is done on these days... 

8-9 days of FMP intercourse** 5percent**

10-17-days of FMP -***58percent****

18-28 days of FMP ***5 percent ***

Pregnancy will be confirmed in above days intercourse of male and female... 

Irregular periods of women or girls who are married and participate in intercourse should start if orgasm from 

****7 the day to  10 day---least fertile women egg release from ovaries and be actively for 2days and even if they participated in intercourse also pregnancy Will not get get confirmed ****after 11-28 days of menses gap.... 

CA 125-Cancer Diseases in women-Ovaries and ovum


Various Breast cancers in women






HER2-Positive breast cancer

Luminal A,Luminal B

Mucionous Carcinoma 

Pagets Disease of breast

Phyllodes tumour


Also Blogger Ranadheer Kumar Palakurthi