Intercourse techniques

 A single person cannot do intercourse or rape with out the permission of women or girl... The process takes place with legs in opposite directions of women and men... 

Men always be on women while doing intercourse in only one ways lay on knees at the legs of women to do intercourse.. Sexual orgasm.... ...

Always insert erectile penis In vulva  and follow the process pumping that is penis is shakes moved forward and backward in vulva for successful orgasm.... 

Tricks for penis to be erectile... Stiff

Couple of lip locks.. 

Use love hearted touch of breasts of women... 

A small shake of body parts of women... 

Use sprays ,perfumes with freshness before intercourse... 

Shake penis forward and backward for the genes, sperm to enter the vulva opening that is cervix... Perfect orgasm makes women pregnant..... 

Without penis stiff or erectile penis the intercourse is not possible ...

Intercourse should be done on what day of menses or puberty or periods...

Least or no  fertile ----1--to-7 days of menses where first day is FMP... Day1..

Last LMP day 7...

Possible of pregnant from day 8-9 from FMP.. 

9-13 more fertile more chances of pregnant possibility... 58percent to be pregnant -fertile and normal menses or periods... 

14-28 less chances of becoming pregnant if intercourse is done during these days... 5percent of being pregnant... 

In the above cases of periods or menses to take care and intercourse techniques should be followed for becoming pregnant for women and men should Co operate women in these days otherwise pregnant is not possible for women... 

Here egg released is active for 12-24 hours no doctor knows when it going to be hatched or burst as it varies from body to body changes in women menses or periods... ...

Folic acid is formed in the stomach and is found in early morning urinal called HCG test.... Minimum gap for urinal early mornings is four hours of Storage urinal in the body eligible to test HCG where in the well of HCG kit urinal two drops are putted and results in two pink lines one is kit working status, second is pregnancy confirmed test.... 

Blood test, urinal test for gravindex test... 
Conception, gravid, pregnant, carrying, foetus, pregnancy confirmed, all are same...............

Always eat almonds, walnuts, sprouts of green grams, pulses, cereals, red grams with one day soked in water and stored in box with lid without water..that is fermented grains ... Then grains are observed called sprouts.... Eat well men and women for better children... ...

Normal intercourse time 6minutes to 15 minutes..... 

intercourse less than 1minute -erectile dysfunction disease... 

Normal erectile penis size 4-6inches....

***Do not compare with porn sites penis size as the video is morphed...... ***


Also Blogger Ranadheer Kumar Palakurthi