Corona individual symptoms and ways to cure

 First cold.... 

wear a mask as the corona disease is contagious, dust allergic reaction 

Maintain three days social distance of 6 feet or more for better results to cure... 


Release of mucous from nose... 

Cold act, Vick's action 500

Second ...


Spit on consuming results in cough which results in cough 

The B. p, asthama, heart patients if attacked by cold and cough will result to death... 

Ways to cure cough in any person, with any disease... 

Daily in the morning with your large fingers in the mouth of upper jaw and deep in the mouth insert your fingers... The spit is removed from the body... 

Daily  5 litres of spit is generated in which is used for digestion... 

In which 1/2  liter of spit is infected daily in the morning should be removed or else it will result in fever if cough is there for four days.... 

Third fever.... 

If the above cold, cough is there for a week which results in fever.... About fever normal body temperature 36.5degree Celsius 

Normal body temperature on thermal reading in Fahrenheit 98 degree F... 

So the weekly results of cold and cough results in fever after that suffocation that is breathing problems arise... 

With in 2weeks that is fourteen days leads to death if a person depending on the body immunity 8-28 days the person may die if 

Mask, social distance of 6feet,early morning saliva(ummu) removal from mouth and throat... 

Lastly contagious of spreading of disease. 

Cold and cough is contagious disease... ...

Fever is normal disease were paracetamol tablets if 650mg are used to cure... 

If in three days cold not cured, results in cough, if in 7 days if cold and cough it may be attacked by fever if in fourteen days cold cough, Fever is not cured these three may results in suffocation, breathing problems.. 

Immunity is ability to cure diseases with proper anti bodies to cure various allergies cold, cough and fever  ,if immunity is less in blood results to death in fourteen to 28 days of corona affected persons..... 


Also Blogger Ranadheer Kumar Palakurthi